A huge number of tourists dream at least once visited Lviv winter. And those lucky people, who fulfilled his desire, aspire to repeat it at every opportunity. "Why Lviv" - you say? To this there are a number of good reasons.

Mix of cultures and nationalities

Lviv truly multinational city, which at various times was called and still call home, Ukrainians, Poles, Russian, Armenians, Jews, Hungarians and Austrians. That's why every tourist thinks Lviv special place soaked multifaceted spirit, unique history and rich cultural heritage, which can’t be found in any other part of the world.

Fabulous spirit

Only few people would argue that Lviv in the winter - this is a real fairytale in reality. Powdered snow cathedrals and churches, old buildings and squares located on them nativity scenes and scenes resemble incarnation childhood fantasies than the atmosphere of a modern European city.

What to see in Lviv in the winter: Christmas

Collection of architctural styles

Lviv - a storehouse of European styles from different eras. Just in few town you can meet the heritage of Baroque, Renaissance, Gothic, classicism and modernity in one bouquet. Special attention is given secession - Austrian Art Nouveau architectural style, experienced guides will show you the work of Berlin, Ukrainian Art Nouveau Art Deco and Constructivism.

What to see in Lviv in the winter: architecture and cathedrals

Lviv is beautiful afternoon. But the night gives it a special appearance on the verge of magic and mysticism. In Lviv, many religious buildings of different nations - Dominican Church, Latin Cathedral, Catholic Cathedral and Church of the Jesuits. Total Lviv has 31 religious buildings, made in different styles and constructed at different times. Familiarity with the culture of different religions is worth a lot.

Synergy Ukrainian traditions

Where else can you see such reverence Ukrainian traditions, but in Lviv? I would call the true custodians of Lviv Ukrainian culture and customs. If you talk to any local resident of Lviv, you will know that almost every family has both adults and children, takes creativity - National amateur choirs, orchestras, theaters and much more.

In addition, the locals are happy to take part in the organization and conduct of festivals dedicated to various holidays. In my opinion, the most ambitious and fun is the celebration of Christmas (here, as elsewhere in Ukraine, popular carols and New Year songs).
It is thanks to the work Lviv, walking in Lviv in January, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Ukrainian nativity scenes, Christmas performances and meet on the street "entertainers" who entertain tourists on the street, do not forget to go to the cafes and restaurants to congratulate all of "Christmas Eve ".

These memories will be remembered for years to come.
Coming to the city again and again, you do not stop loving him, admiring the majesty and versatility of his life. Believe me, once visited this unique city, you do not get tired to advise others that view in Lviv in the winter.

Tourists on a note
  1.  As in most cases, it is better to book a hotel in Lviv on the website of the hotel or on the phone. Room rates at sites such as booking.com significantly more expensive.
  2. Be sure to ask the employee of a hotel room with hot water, soap and a hair dryer, so that eventually you do not got a nasty surprise.
  3. Immediately upon arrival obzavedites city map. It can be purchased at the kiosk with newspapers, and are free to take in one of the many cafes.
  4. If you are eating alone does not constitute a route of their walks. Be sure to take a map of the city and just mark it on the places you want to visit. To fully feel the atmosphere of this wonderful city, just wander through its ancient streets, occasionally glancing at the map to find out the name of the next attraction.
  5. It is better not to buy on the street Lviv medovuha. If you really want to try the legendary drink, visit one of the cafes avtenticheskih ("Kryjivka", "Gasova Lampe," etc.), as the drinks on the street can’t boast of their quality. In secret, the locals called medovuha on the street "wrong", since it must give way to the feet, leaving the mind clear, and that is poured on the street, has the opposite effect.
Based on materials from sunny7.ua and dobovo.com

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