By studying the characteristics of the Sea of Azov can someone laugh: yes it is a puddle! Indeed its maximum depth of 14 meters. But precisely because of the shallow water and low salt content, in severe winters at the coast and a few hundred meters from the sea it freezes to the bottom. And, as we know from school physics course, freezing, water expands.

In the early 2000s, in Mariupol some businessmen who built cafes and shops at the edge of the sea, almost every spring was considered a loss. Now they have become smarter and stay away from the coast. Ask why? The answer is in the pictures.

In the spring the ice with the Sea of Azov is beached

For those who do not understand - explain. Crawling ashore, ice crushes everything in its path: from wood to stone buildings!

The thickness of the ice on the Azov Sea is 50-60 centimeters and its surface can not just walk (eg, Island Lyapino) or engage in ice-fishing, and ride on cars. Almost every winter, local motorists hone skills on ice machine control and even conduct sports competitions. However, when the first spring temperature drops walking on ice become dangerous.

The height of the ice hummocks in the Sea of Azov up to several meters
The height of one of the pavilion - more than 2 (two!) Meters

In the spring, it often happens that the wind drives the waves on the shore and then melted ice skovyvashy sea during winter frosts, comes ashore. In March Azov shows severe character, proving that the person hard to deal with the elements. Looking at the mountains of ice, it's hard to believe that we face the very warm and shallow Sea of Azov, on which come to relax in the summer thousands of families with children.

Spring break on the Azov Sea sweeps even steel pipes
Steel pipes can not withstand the pressure of ice from the Sea of Azov

The behavior of the sea depends on the wind direction. If he north, the ice away from the coast, and along with it into the sea on ice floes often takes fishermen.

Against the background of Azov ice adult seems dwarfed

If the east or south, the Sea of Azov begins torosovanie, which is observed in almost all along the coast from Sedov, located on the border with Russia, to Mariupol and Belosarayskoy Braids inclusive.

Freezing, goes deep into the Azov Sea coast on 20-30 meters

When the sea overflows its banks, the ice there is no obstacle: he breaks trees, pavilions, changing rooms and even some buildings.

The ice on the Sea of Azov near Mariupol


These photos were taken on the left bank of Mariupol beach, but a similar pattern can be observed in many villages of Northern Azov.


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